The ability to predict enrollment is key to an institution’s health, particularly for those that are tuition-dependent. And the pressure on enrollment management isn’t just to fill the class, it is also to shape it in ways that align with an institution’s values and mission. Visit our Higher Ed Solutions Page to learn more.
With deep experience in data analytics and predictive modeling for higher education, HAI can help you answer these questions:
- How many of your admitted students will enroll, and what the enrolling pool will look like?
- How much revenue can you expect from first-year students?
- What factors predict inquiry-to-applicant conversion?
- Which prospective students are most/least likely to apply and enroll?
- What factors best predict retention and success?
- Which students are most at-risk of dropping out?
- How can you admit the students who have the highest probability of succeeding at your institution?
Is your student data messy, stored in different systems, or simply tough to access? We can help with that too! Visit our Data Process Improvement Page to learn how.
In addition to building models to predict the behavior of traditional undergraduate and graduate student populations, we also work with Law Schools, on issues related to:
- Using predictive analytics to help set and hit enrollment targets
- Optimizing the allocation of financial aid dollars/discounting
- Predicting and improving student success, including bar passage
To learn more about our work with Law Schools, visit our Law School Solutions Page here.